You Can Overcome Dental Anxiety with Nitrous Oxide

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At Coyle Dentistry, we understand that visiting the dentist can be more than stressful—it can create a real sense of anxiety that prevents you from receiving necessary oral care. Instead of avoiding the dentist, our team encourages you to look into nitrous oxide as a solution to dental anxiety.

Nitrous oxide was discovered in 1793 by an English scientist named Joseph Priestley, who was the first known person to isolate and prepare important gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and ammonia. Following Priestley’s discovery, Humphry Davey of the Pneumatic Institute in Bristol, England, coined the term “laughing gas” because nitrous oxide instills a sense of euphoria in its patients. For many years, nitrous oxide was used only for recreational purposes.

In the early 1840s, Connecticut dentist Dr. Horace Wells discovered that people who received minor injuries while under the influence of nitrous oxide didn’t notice the pain until the effects of the gas wore off. Dr. Wells began administering nitrous oxide to his patients during sensitive procedures such as tooth extractions.

Nowadays, nitrous oxide is used as a form of sedation dentistry. Our skilled dentist fits a nozzle over your nose that will begin the flow of nitrous oxide and oxygen. The fast-acting sedative will make you feel calm and comfortable during your procedure, and the effects wear off quickly once the mask is removed, allowing you to drive home after your appointment.

If you suffer from dental anxiety, please contact our office at 973-966-6555. Dr. Dennis Coyle may offer nitrous oxide to help you feel at ease during your next appointment. Don’t avoid the dentist—ask us about sedation dentistry!